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Excerpts from​ the e-book "The Mysterious and Elusive Secret Ingredient Finally Revealed!":


All of the mainstream religious texts have references to the Stone. The alchemical books I have read are largely from Europe, and so the alchemists were Christian and therefore included many Biblical references. The Chinese alchemists were Taoists, and Taoism was all about alchemy (and Nature, which is the same). The Jews have a very strong alchemical tradition. The Muslims produced some great alchemists. The Hindu texts and myths are full of alchemical references and even an entire Veda, the Sama Veda, is all about the Stone.

Because the majority of the alchemical texts I got my hands on were written by Christians, I collected Bible passages which refer to alchemy or the Stone, and then found some more myself. I will include these. I should say here that all of the mainstream religions originally represented the truth, but the correct interpretations have mostly been forgotten. However, the older religions go deeper, since time has made civilization less receptive.  I believe none of the popular modern interpretations of any of the scriptures are correct.


None of the sacred texts actually contradict each other; they seem to only because your interpretations may be wrong. So they're all true, and many are reading them wrong. Reading sacred texts is a lot like reading alchemical texts: they're full of analogies and metaphors all mixed up with plain facts, so it's difficult to tell what is to be interpreted literally and what is to be deciphered. Everyone seems to take the literal parts metaphorically and the metaphorical parts literally.

Within the e-book there are scriptural references to Jesus the Nazarene as being one of the greatest alchemist that has ever lived.


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